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3. Jingjing Wang, Qiang Yin, Han Bai, Wei Wang, Yajun Chen, Minghui Zhou, Ran Zhang, Guoao Ding, Zhongdong Xu, and Yan Zhang*. 2023. "Transcriptome Analysis of Glycerin Regulating Reuterin Production of Lactobacillus reuteri" Microorganisms 11, no. 8: 2007.
4. Jingjing Wang, Ran Zhang, Guoao Ding, Lingling Wang, Wei Wang, Yan Zhang*, Guilan Zhu*. Comparative genomic analysis of five coprinoid mushrooms species. Funct Integr Genomics. 2023, 23(2):159.
5. Yan Zhang, Guilan Zhu*, Qunyi Tong , Jiajia Ni , Xue Fang , Xiaozhong Chen , Ziying Wang. Effects of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources on the transcriptome of gellan gum biosynthesis by Sphingomonas paucimobilis. J Appl Microbiol. 2023 ,134(4): 81.
6. Minghui Zhou, Yajun Chen, Xue Fang, Li Wu, Yan Zhang*. Isolation and identification of pigment-producing filamentous fungus DBFL05 and its pigment characteristics and chemical structure, Journal of Food, 2023,21(1), 374-385
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8. Jingjing Wang,Ran Zhang,Guilan Zhu,Lingling Wang,Han Bai,Yong Qian,Xiazhen Zhou,Qiang Yin*,Yan Zhang*. Expression of a deep-sea bacterial laccase from Halomonas alkaliantartica and its application in dyes decolorization. Ann Microbiol 73, 19 (2023).
9. Maozhen Han, Gang Liu, Yajun Chen, Dong Wang, Yan Zhang*. Comparative Genomics Uncovers the Genetic Diversity and Characters of Veillonella atypica and Provides Insights Into Its Potential Applications. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020 ;11:1219.
10. Yan Zhang, Wei Wang, Zhangjun Shen, Jingjing Wang, Yajun Chen, Dong Wang, Gang Liu, Maozhen Han*. Comparison and interpretation of characteristics of Rhizosphere microbiomes of three blueberry varieties. BMC Microbiology. 2021 ;21(1):30.
11. Yan Zhang, Jingjing Wang, Chen Yajun, Minghui Zhou, Wei Wang, Ming Geng, Decong Xu and Zhongdong Xu*. Comparative Genomics Uncovers the Genetic Diversity and Synthetic Biology of Secondary Metabolite Production of Trametes, Mycobiology, 2020, 48(2): 104-114.
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